Self-editing Tips

The regular blog posts found in the Home page contain self-editing tips. You may access specific topics of interest by clicking on the category links in the sidebar.

In addition, I’d like to recommend a Writer’s Digest article that addresses the topic of finding professional help with your writing — excellent advice.

Another article of interest might be ebook best-seller Amanda Hocking’s blog talking about her “overnight” success.

4 responses to “Self-editing Tips

  1. Jane Moore

    I clicked on the link “Self-editing tips” but all I got was this message. Are the self-editing tips available for readers?

  2. Hi, Jane, thanks for your question. The tips are available to readers. I’ll need to figure out how to make them appear under this heading. In the meantime, I obviously need to clarify the note.

    If you click on the “Home” link, you’ll go to the weekly blog posts and those are the tips. However, if you’re looking for help in a specific area, you can scroll down to the categories and find the topic you’re interested in.


  3. Thank you for the correction, Miriam. I went ahead and edited the post, so between the two of us, visitors should find the article now. I hope so. It’s excellent.


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